​ 中英版Hello, China! 《你好,中国》38 A system of ancient Chinese knowledge(风水)

Feng shui is a mystical knowledge in China.


People believe that the basic elements of things on the earth originated from air,water and land.


The improvement of feng shui will improve the relationship between humans and nature.


Feng shui is widely used in architecture and interior design.


Chinese believe that the best houses should be integrated into nature.


Water brings vitality and fish bring good luck.


These elements determine the quality of feng shui.


Feng shui involves medicine,architecture and philosophy.


Chinese put emphasis on feng shui and the harmonious relationship between humans and nature.


This is feng shui complicated and mysterious.

它复杂而神秘,这就是风水。… Read the rest

​ 中英版Hello, China! 《你好,中国》37 Animals Signs of the Chinese zodiac (中国十二生肖的动物标志)

Europe has 12 constellations,while China has 12 animals symbolising the 12 branches used to designate years.


The 12 animals finish a cycle every 12 years and each of them guards one year.


Chinese believe that those who are born in a certain year would inherit the traits of the animal guarding that year.


Rats are wise and cattle are hard-working. Tigers are courageous and rabbits are prudent. Dragons are rich and respectful,and snakes are romantic. Horses are fast and a sheep are sincere. Monkeys are smart and flexible,while chickens are endowed with beauty. Dogs are faithful and pigs are amiable.


Do you know what your symbolic animal denoting the year of your birth?

你了解自己的属相吗?… Read the rest

​ 中英版Hello, China! 《你好,中国》36 Water-Splashing Festival (泼水节)

The Dai ethnic group lives in southeastern China’s Yunnan Province. Each year they hold a grand festival called the Water-Splashing Festival(po shui jie).


People dressed in beautiful clothes sing dance and splash water on each other on the morning of the festival.


Don’t get angry if you are drenched it represents a blessing. More water means more good luck in the coming year.


If a young man receives pouches made by a girl that means the girl has fallen in love with him.


Po shui jie is regarded as the Valentine’s Day for the Dai ethnic group.


Po shui jie has become part of the culture in Yunnan Province. Nowadays,not only Dai people but also tourists participate in this exciting carnival.


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​ 中英版Hello, China! 《你好,中国》35 Mid-Autumn Festival(中秋节)

The Mid-Autumn Festival,Zhongqiujie,is a festival for families to get together in China.


It falls on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month,when the full moon returns to the sky.


On this day,people eat a moon-shaped dessert caked a Moon Cake. All the family members sit together,eat Moon Cakes and fresh fruits,and enjoy the sight of the round and bright moon.

这一天,人们喜欢吃一种圆形的、像月亮一样的点心,叫做月饼;再配上新鲜的水果,一家人围坐在一起,欣赏天上又圆又亮的满月。Those who cannot return home look at the round moon and think of their family.


Chinese people all around the world share the same tradition.


Just like an ancient Chinese poem says,the moon was rising from the sea and all the people were sharing this moment.

就像中国一首著名的诗里所说的:“海上生明月,天涯共此时。… Read the rest

​ 中英版Hello, China! 《你好,中国》34 Qixi Festival Chinese Valentine’s Day(七夕节 中国情人节)

The Qixi Festival,also known as the Chinese Valentine’s Day,falls on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month on the Chinese calendar.


There’s a romantic love story associated with Qixi.


It says that a fairy named Zhi Nv,who lived in heaven,fell in love with a cow herder named Niu Lang during her trip to earth. Zhi Nv decided to settle down on earth and lead an ordinary life with Niu Lang.


However,love between ordinary people and fairy gods is forbidden.


They were punished by the heavenly gods and turned into stars located on opposite sides of the galaxy,watching each other from the impassable distance.


They are permitted to meet each other only on the seventh day of the seventh month each year.


Magpies gather and make a bridge across the galaxy for them.


Qixi is the most romantic one among all the traditional Chinese festivals.


Chinese recall the loyalty of love and wish for happiness on the festival.

这一天,中国人缅怀对爱情的忠贞,包含着对全家幸福的期许。… Read the rest

​ 中英版Hello, China! 《你好,中国》33 Dragon Boat Festival and its tragic origins(端午节及其悲剧起源)

In ancient time,there was a great poet called Qu Yuan.


He couldn’t bear the anguish when his mother land was invaded,so he drowned himself in the river.


Local residents rode boats to salvage and drop the rice balls into the river to distract fishes’ attention from Qu’body.


Later people memorialized Qu’s patriotism by rowing and making Zongzi on the Dragon Boat Festival,Duanwujie. That’s how the tradition of dragon boat racing and eating Zongzi were started.


A nation practice on Duanwujie is to put wormwood on the front door to repel evil things.


In some places people drink realgar wine and children wear sachet.


Now the family gets together on Duanwujie.


Nowadays people have a variety of other activities to celebrate this traditional festival.

现在人们过端午节时还会以其他各种方式来度过这个传统节日。… Read the rest

​ 中英版Hello, China! 《你好,中国》32 Qingming Festival(清明节)

The Qing Ming festival is a day of reverence for Chinese.


People hold ceremonies for ancestors,and sweep their tombs on April 5th every year.


According to tradition ,during the Tomb Sweeping,people put food in front of the tombs,add new soil on the tomb.


Decorate the tombs with some fresh branches and knock head.


A traditional Chinese painting named Riverside Scene on the Qing Ming festival,drawn nine hundred years ago,shows the prosperous atmosphere and activities on that day.

900 多年前的一幅中国画《清明上河图》描绘了当时人们在过清明节时的繁荣景象和节日风俗。

People returned from Tomb Sweeping with horses and packages in the picture.


Now it is a public holiday in China.


Although ceremonies have changed a little with time.


Chinese still express their grief for the deceased.

用自己的方式寄托对故人的哀思。… Read the rest

​ 中英版Hello, China! 《你好,中国》31 Spring Festival and its colorful traditions(春节及其丰富多彩的传统)

Spring Festival,Chun Jie is the first day of the Chinese lunar calendar.


When Chun Jie is approaching people are busy purchasing good,cleaning the house,cooking traditional food,making Spring Festival couplets,and hanging spring festival pictures.


Having a family dinner is the main activity on Chun Jie.


Dumplings are essential to the dinner. Dumplings represent reunion and goodwill.


The whole family gathers to enjoy quality family time.


On Chun Jie,Lunar New Year’s Day,people in new clothes visit each other,and give money to kids to send good wishes.


During Chun Jie holidays all kinds of celebrations are held,including temple fairs,performances,an Lantern exhibitions which lasts nearly half a month.


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