​ 中英版Hello, China! 《你好,中国》91 Magpie The lucky bird(喜鹊 幸运鸟)

The magpie,xi que,is a lucky bird in China.


Chinese traditions says the chirp of xi que can bring good luck to people.


They fly on to the branches of plum blossoms and then to the houses of ordinary people with good news and auspicious omens.


A Chinese legend says that xi que gather in heaven once a year to make a bridge for a separated couple.


When they gather and form a bridge across the galaxy,the separated couple can meet each other on the bridge.


Xi que are kindhearted messengers,people love xi que for their affability,there’s a saying that good deeds come with the warbles of xi que.

喜鹊是善良的使者,人们喜爱喜鹊,因为喜鹊的和蔼可亲,俗话说,喜鹊的歌声中有善行。… Read the rest

​ 中英版Hello, China! 《你好,中国》90 Panda(熊猫)

I’m a panda,xiong mao,the national treasure of China. I like to be alone just like a drifter.


Mm,bamboo is my favorite food! Our family has lived on the earth for more than 8 million years.

竹子是我最爱吃的东西,我的祖祖辈辈在地球上已经生活了800 多万年。

At first,we lived on meat.


Later,we ran out of food with a tremendous change of the temperature on earth. We survived on bamboo.


Now xiong mao are one of the most endangered species.


We are regarded as beasts for peace,because we feed on bamboo instead of other animals.


A truce was agreed whenever the flags printed with images of xiong mao were raised 1,700 years ago.

在 1700 多年前两军交战中,只要战场上挂起有我们图像的旗,战斗就立刻停止。

These flags represent peace and friendship and both sides of the war would stop fighting.


Now we’re known far and wide,and we’re often sent abroad as gifts.


We have even been chosen as the mascot of the World Wildlife Foundation.


There are only around 1,000 xiong mao remaining in our family all over the world.

现在我们熊猫家族在全世界只剩下1000 来只。

We hope that people will offer more protection for animals

我们期待着人们对动物有更多的爱护。… Read the rest

​ 中英版Hello, China! 《你好,中国》89 Chinese abacus (中国算盘)

89 Chinese abacus (中国算盘) 作者:读书有三到我先到 https://www.bilibili.com/read/cv19235486/?spm_id_from=333.999.0.0 出处

Traditional Chinese says that the abacus,suan pan,was inspired by bunters collecting trophies from animals they killed.


People began to string wooden beads on wooden sticks to count.


This was the first abacus.


Invented more than 2,000 years ago,suan pan are the oldest calculators still used today.

算盘发明于 2000 多年前,是至今仍在使用的最古老的计算器。

Most Chinese learn how to use suan pan when they were young.


The structure of suan pan is quite simple: It is composed by B,which represent numbers,and wooden sticks,which represent decimals.

算盘的结构很简单:由代表数字的 B 和代表小数的木棍组成。

Suan pan can be used to accomplish complicated calculations quickly with simple formulas and rules.


Suan pan are the living fossils of Chinese mathematical discovery.

算盘是中国数学发现的活化石。… Read the rest

​ 中英版Hello, China! 《你好,中国》88 Chinese fan (扇子)

Fans,shan zi,are not only implements,but also works of art and symbols of status in China.


Shan zi in scholars’ hand represent wisdom and elegance.


There are many kinds of shan zi in China.


The most typical ones are folding shan zi.


Techniques of carving,weaving,calligraphy and painting are applied.


Shan zi are not only implements which bring a cool breeze,but also works of art.


Collections are cherished by Chinese.

收藏是中国人的最爱… Read the rest

​ 中英版Hello, China! 《你好,中国》87 Tang Suit Chinese fashion(唐装 中国时尚)

A Tang Suit (tangzhuang) is not a suit of the Tang Dynasty (618-907) but a suit with Chinese style.Tangzhuang are tailored according to specific procedures.


Brocade is the first choice when selecting materials for tangzhuang.


Stand –up collars and symmetrical lapels are typical styles.


Exquisite embroidery is another feature of tangzhuang.


Even the little buttons are made with great detail.


These unique buttons are the finishing touches of tangzhuang.


Nowadays people put on tangzhuang for the Spring Festival of weddings.


People regard tangzhuang as special clothing for important ceremonies.


Absorbing some elements from Western designs,tangzhuang now has a more fashionable,beautiful look.

吸收了西方设计的一些元素,唐庄现在有了更时尚的美丽外观。… Read the rest

​ 中英版Hello, China! 《你好,中国》86 Cheongsam fashion(旗袍时尚)

Chinese tradition say that if you want to identify a beauty you should look at her appearance in a cheongsam.


The Qiopao showcases Oriental modesty and sexiness,wrapping female figures in form-fitting dresses.


Fine Qipao are handmade with soft silk and intricate brocade.


Selecting fine material is the first step to make a Qipao.


26 dimensions must be measured to make a Qipao and represent the taste of the Master.

制作旗袍必须测量 26个尺寸,以体现大师的品味。

The collars of Qipao are always curved to show the softness and slenderness of the female’s neck.


Popular patterns on Qipao include phoenix,birds,leaves and flowers.


The breathtaking beauty of Qipao has lasted for more than a century.

旗袍令人叹为观止的美景已经持续了一个多世纪。… Read the rest

​ 中英版Hello, China! 《你好,中国》85 Chinese brocade( 中国锦缎)

Brocade is a kind of luxurious silk created over 1,600 years ago.

锦缎是一种奢华的丝绸,创造于 1600 多年前。

The gorgeous patterns are as beautiful as the colorful clouds in the sky and the Chinese name yunjin.


Since the Yuan Dynasty,yunjin has been used for the imperial family’s clothes,especially the emperor.


Different sizes and patterns indicate different official ranks.


It is woven with various kinds of rare silk yarn and feathers.


Traditional yunjin is purely handmade on the Jacquard weaving machines.


At most,five to six centimeters of yunjin could be produced in one day even with the cooperation of two workers.

即使是两个工人一起工作,一天最多也只能生产出 5 到 6 厘米的云锦。

Now this traditional skill has been modernized and applied to new fashions.

现在,这项传统技能已经现代化,并应用于新的时装。… Read the rest

​ 中英版Hello, China! 《你好,中国》84 Batik Chinese wax dyeing(蜡染 中国蜡染)

Batik,la ran,is a traditional painting and textile dyeing technique with a history of more than 2,000 years.

蜡染是一种具有 2000 多年历史的传统印染工艺。

Bee’s wax and indigo are two widely used dyes. A steel knife is used to draw patterns on the cloth.


A piece of la ran is accomplished after spreading wax,painting,dyeing and washing the sloth.


The most interesting part is that various grains form along the cracks of the cloth after cooling.


Different grains come from the same patterns: flowers,birds,fish,insects and geometrical patterns on the cloth look mysterious and unsophisticated.

不同的纹理来自相同的图案:花、鸟、鱼、虫,布料上的几何图案显得神秘而古朴。… Read the rest