​ 中英版Hello, China! 《你好,中国》20 Calligraphy (书法)

Chinese calligraphy(shu fa) refers to writing art and techniques with writing brushes.


1,600 years ago,a boy named Wang Xizhi worked hard at calligraphy. He washed his writing brushes in a pool and the pool turned black.

1600 多年前的王羲之勤练书法,他涮洗毛笔的墨汁把池塘都染成了黑色。

Eventually he became a prominent calligrapher in China.


Writing brushes,Chinese inks,rice paper and ink slabs are the basic tools of calligraphy.


Proper technique for handling the writing brushes and maintaining the proper angle between the tips of brushes and the paper are required.


The structure of each individual character and overall arrangement are both important.


Calligraphers have created plenty of masterpieces which have been passed from generation to generation.


One of the masterpieces is the“Orchid Pavilion Preface”by Wang Xizhi.


Shu fa represents the aesthetic taste and philosophy of Chinese scholars.

书法蕴含着中国文人的审美情趣和人生哲学。… Read the rest

​ 中英版Hello, China! 《你好,中国》19 Gu Qin Chinese musical instrument(古琴 中国乐器)

Long long ago,a person was playing gu qin. A woodcutter heard the song and said,” I feel the mountains and rivers in the music”.


The player was happy that man understood what is in his heart and made friends with him.


The body of gu qin is made of wood and the strings are made of silk.


Playing gu qin in an elegant environment brings people back to nature.


Playing gu qin can purify the soul.


It represents wisdom,talent an emotion.


In 1977,a recording of Flowing Water was broadcasted on the Voyage 1 and Voyager 2 spacecrafts in outer space.

在 1977 年,中国古琴曲《流水》通过太空探测器旅行之 1号和 2 号,传向外太空。… Read the rest

​ 中英版Hello, China! 《你好,中国》18 Traditional Chinese chime bells Bianzhong(传统中国编钟)

Chime bells,bian zhong,are the most majestic and holy ancient instrument in China.


As a symbol of power,they were used for sacrificial ceremonies or other crucial ceremonies,starting 3,500 years ago.

编钟出现于 3500 年前的中国,它经常在祭祀、战争等重大庆典时演奏,是贵族权利的象征。

Bian zhong were composed of bells with different scales. The bells are played by mallets and create the sounds of seven musical scales,much like the piano.


What’s more amazing is that one bell can generate two notes when struck at different spots.


This set of bian zhong was discovered in the tomb of an ancient monarch.


The ancient treasure finally saw the light of day.


Its exquisite cast and pure sound revealed the high level of ancient Chinese civilization and wisdom.

它的铸造之精美,音质之纯正体现了中国古人的智慧与文明。… Read the rest

​ 中英版Hello, China! 《你好,中国》17 Chinese Music (中国音乐)

Chinese music originated from nature.


The sounds of the wind blowing through the trees,birds chirping and water flowing are the inspiration of Chinese yin yue.


Xun,an ancient egg-shaped instrument made of pottery,can imitate the sound of the wind by blowing through the holes.


The bone flute,which was made 8,000 years ago,could also imitate the sounds of nature.

8000 年前的骨笛,也在模仿自然界的声音。

There were 125 instruments in the private orchestra of a noble more than 2,000 years ago,according to archaeological findings. 考古发现在 2000 多年前一个贵族家里的乐队有 125 件乐器,规模巨大。

Various categories make up Chinese yin yue,some involving more modern elements.


However,the natural beauty of Chinese yin yue has endured from classic styles to the modern form classic styles to the modern compositions.

然而,从古典到现代,始终未变的是它的自然之美。… Read the rest

​ 中英版Hello, China! 《你好,中国》16 Dance (舞蹈)

Scenes of dancing were drawn on pottery in China some 5,000 years ago.

5000 年前,陶器上就记载了中国人舞蹈的画面。

At that time,people danced at ceremonies for worship.


There was a concubine who could dance on a tray in the imperial palace about 2,000 years ago. She danced so lightly that she supposedly would fly away when the wind blew.

大约 2000 年前的中国宫廷,有一位皇妃能在托盘中跳舞,好像风一吹就要飞了。

Legends say that an emperor made his soldiers dance when he returned in triumph.


The dance was powerful and vigorous.


People also dance on festivals,celebrations and weddings.


You can see abundant styles of wu dao in China,a country composed of many ethnic groups.


Wu dao shortens the distance between people.


 … Read the rest

​ 中英版Hello, China! 《你好,中国》15 Chinese frescoes (中国壁画)

Chinese frescoes date back to the prehistoric period some 10,000 years ago.


People carved images of human activities and natural views on rocks.


Excavated from tombs built 2,200 years ago,the bi hua remains clear,vivid and colorful.

2200 多年前,中国古墓出土的壁画,线条流畅、色彩艳丽、形象生动。

Legend has it that an ancient painter drew a dragon on the wall and when he added eyes to the drawing the image turned into a real dragon.


With the introduction of Buddhism to China,bi hua on the subject of religion rapidly developed.


The bi hua,or frescoes,in the Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes are the most famous ones in China.


They are a collection of masterpieces of numerous painters in the past 1,000 years. They tell historical tales and religious stories.

它是无数画匠千余年来的杰作,集中描绘了宗教、历史、故事与传说。… Read the rest

​ 中英版Hello, China! 《你好,中国》14 Traditional Chinese painting (中国传统绘画)

Red,green,black,white,heavy,light,dry and wet changes of water and ink on paper show the mysteries of traditional Chinese painting,guo hua.


Tools and materials involve writing brushes,ink,colored ink,rice paper and silk.


The hardness or softness of brushes,paper absorbency and color determine the features of guo hua.


Water,ink and lines are the most essential factors for guo hua.


Unlike Western paintings,guo hua doesn’t use three dimensions or realism.


Instead,paintings involve a unique Chinese view of scenery.


It’s very common that a Chinese painting is attached with a poem.


If you understand guo hua you will have a better understanding of Chinese people.

了解了中国画也就了解了中国人。… Read the rest

​ 中英版Hello, China! 《你好,中国》13 Peking opera(京剧)

Jingju,or Peking opera,is an ancient performance art with a history of 200 years.

京剧是一个有着 200 多年历史的古老戏曲。

Jingju has four kinds of roles according to different identities and personalities.


The lyrics of jingju are performed with swinging or rhythmic speaking,accompanied by dozens of musical instruments.


Now,jingju still enchants many Chinese people and foreigners with its unique charm.

今天,京剧依然用它独特的魅力让很多人着迷。… Read the rest