​ 中英版Hello, China! 《你好,中国》70 Chinese family values (中国家庭价值观)

There’s a pig and two people.The two people drive the pig into a house and raise it together.


Thus making the Chinese character ‘jia’ which means ‘family’.


In Chinese daily life,the whole family includes three generations: Grandparents,parents and children live together.


Taking care of each other,looking after the young and supporting the parents are the traditional values of Chinese people.


You can easily find a typical Chinese jia all over the world.

在世界各地,你都可以很容易地找到典型的中国家庭。… Read the rest

​ 中英版Hello, China! 《你好,中国》69 Chinese names An introduction(中文名称简介)

Chinese names(xing ming) are different from Western ones.


The family names(surnames) come first and given names come last.


People usually ask each other’s ‘xing ming’ when they meet. If they share the same family name,they believe that their ancestors were relatives,500 years ago.

在两个中国人见面的时候会问起对方的姓氏,倘若同姓,两人就会很高兴地说:“咱们 500 年前是一家”。

The family of Confucius is an example of Chinese family names.


A young man can trace his family line to an ancestor who lived 2,500 years ago.

它可以让一个今天的青年人一代代追溯到 2500 年前的祖先。

It is like a tree: leaves,branches and roots are connected by the family name.


There are supposedly more than 20,000 family names in China.


The secret of where your ancestors came from and what they did are concealed in ‘xing ming’.

祖先从哪里来,为什么来到这里,他们是干什么的,这些秘密都藏在姓名里。… Read the rest

​ 中英版Hello, China! 《你好,中国》68 Ethnic Groups(民族)

It is said that the Chinese nation was created by a female god. She made clay figures and gave lives to them.


There are two heroes in Chinese history: the Yellow Emperor and Yan Emperor.


Legends say that all the Chinese are their descendants.


The Chinese nation is composed of 56 ethnic groups(minzu) with distinct features.

中华民族是中国所有民族统称,它包括了 56 个民族。

The minzu are distributed all over China with their own traditions.


Cultural characteristics of songs and dances of the Uyghur,Water-Splashing Festival of the Dai,silver ornaments of the Miao and the Naadam fair of the Mongolian people.


People use ‘brothers’ to describe their relationship among different minzu.


Brotherhood means that different minzu live harmoniously as a huge family.

意思是说:在中华民族的大家庭里大家都是亲密的一家人。… Read the rest

​ 中英版Hello, China! 《你好,中国》67 Fish(鱼)

The Chinese character yu,which means fish with a plump body and round eyes.


Yu is related to special meanings and legends.


There was a yu in the Yellow River. Yu wanted to jump over the Dragon Gate,so that he could become a dragon.


However,only quite a few yu could accomplish that feat in the turbulent river.


People with great achievements in study or business are often compared to these yu who have turned into dragons.


Therefore,carps,a kind of yu,represent achieving prosperity through hard work.


Yu is a word with the double meaning in China.


A Spring Festival painting featuring a yu is a symbol of an affluent life.


Yu remind Chinese of prosperity and fortune.


Thus,people like to raise yu to pray for good luck.


Yu is a produce of nature and a mascot in Chinese daily life.

鱼是自然之物,也是中国人生活里的吉祥物。… Read the rest

​ 中英版Hello, China! 《你好,中国》66 Noodles(面条)

Noodles,mian tiao,are a kind of time-honored Chinese food.


Records say that nobles were fond of the food about 30 centimeters long,which is made of flour and boiled in water more than 1,900 years ago.

早在 1900 多年前,书上就记载了那时的贵族喜欢吃一种一尺多长的、用水煮熟的面食。

Mix flour with water and make the mixture into a paste,and then cut it into strips.


This is how mian tiao is made. Miao tiao can be boiled or fried.


Noodles in China also represent preeminence.


Therefore,people always have noodles on their birthday to wish for a long lifespan.


Noodles are one of the Chinese favorite food,just like the bread for Westerners.

面条在中国是一种人人喜爱的基本食品,就像西方人离不开面包一样。… Read the rest

​ 中英版Hello, China! 《你好,中国》65 Alcoholic Drinks(酒精饮料

Jiu plays an amazing role in the daily life of Chinese people.


Chinese started to brew jiu 6,000 years ago,according to archaeological findings.

据现有的考古发现,6000 多年前中国人就开始酿酒了。

People have worked hard to improve the process of making jiu for thousands of years.


Chinese mainly drink white spirits and rice wine.


White spirits are distilled from sorghum or maize.


The equipment used for drinking has changed a lot over the course of history. The jiu culture developed with the containers changing from wine goblets to handless cups.


As a magical beverage and custom,it has accompanied important occasions,such as weddings and birthdays for more than 6,000 years.

酒饮与生活习俗紧密相联,陪伴着中国人经历出生、结婚、生子等人生的重要场合已经有 6000 多年了。

 … Read the rest

​ 中英版Hello, China! 《你好,中国》64 Toufu(豆腐

Is there a kind of food that is cheap,delicious and nutritious? Yes! It is Chinese dou fu.


Some 2,100 years ago,a noble who longed for immortality developed all kinds of prescriptions every day.

2100 多年前,一位贵族渴望长生不老,他每天研制各种药房。

One day,he accidentally dropped plaster into soybean milk. The soybean milk curdled into something like pudding.


He boldly tested it and found it very delicious.


The new dish is what we called dou fu food today.


Dou fu is made of soybeans,which are rich in protein.


Dou fu can be cooked with fish,vegetables and other ingredients. We can also eat it rare.


The easiest way is to put a little bit of chives,oil and salt with dou fu.


Dou fu tastes light,yummy and really melts into your mouth.


In China,dou fu is quite popular. You can find it on any dining table.

在中国,每家的餐桌上可都少不了豆腐。… Read the rest

​ 中英版Hello, China! 《你好,中国》63 Hotpot(火锅)

If you want to look for a nutritious meal to share with your family,you should choose hotpot,huo guo.


Huo guo has a history of more than 1,700 years in China.

火锅在中国有 1700 多年的历史了。

To keep out the cold,people pull lamb chops in the boiling pot and ate them.


Huo guo ingredients should be selected carefully.


Only five parts of a lamb should be used and cut into sheets for cooking.


The sauce is composed of more than ten seasonings.


The ingredients of the sauce are the commercial secret of hot pot.


Huo guo is popular all over China. There are various styles of huo guo.


Vegetables and meat can be boiled in huo guo.


Sharing hot pot meals of meat and vegetables boiled in savory both with your family is a great experience in the depth of winter.


Is huo guo the best choice? Do you want to try it?

火锅难道不是最好的选择吗?你想试试吗?… Read the rest