​ 中英版Hello, China! 《你好,中国》14 Traditional Chinese painting (中国传统绘画)

Red,green,black,white,heavy,light,dry and wet changes of water and ink on paper show the mysteries of traditional Chinese painting,guo hua.


Tools and materials involve writing brushes,ink,colored ink,rice paper and silk.


The hardness or softness of brushes,paper absorbency and color determine the features of guo hua.


Water,ink and lines are the most essential factors for guo hua.


Unlike Western paintings,guo hua doesn’t use three dimensions or realism.


Instead,paintings involve a unique Chinese view of scenery.


It’s very common that a Chinese painting is attached with a poem.


If you understand guo hua you will have a better understanding of Chinese people.

了解了中国画也就了解了中国人。… Read the rest

​ 中英版Hello, China! 《你好,中国》13 Peking opera(京剧)

Jingju,or Peking opera,is an ancient performance art with a history of 200 years.

京剧是一个有着 200 多年历史的古老戏曲。

Jingju has four kinds of roles according to different identities and personalities.


The lyrics of jingju are performed with swinging or rhythmic speaking,accompanied by dozens of musical instruments.


Now,jingju still enchants many Chinese people and foreigners with its unique charm.

今天,京剧依然用它独特的魅力让很多人着迷。… Read the rest

​ 中英版Hello, China! 《你好,中国》12 Invention of printing(印刷的发明)

A Chinese named Bi Sheng invented movable type print around 1,000 years ago.

大约 1000 年前,中国人毕昇发明了活字印刷术。

The movable components are cubes made of baked clay.


Characters were carved on each piece of clay,which looked like the seals widely used in China.


The movable components could be arranged freely to form different vocabularies and sentences.


They were fixed on an iron plate with frames in certain sequence. Then ink was painted and a piece of paper was laid down. A printed sheet was created this way.


This technique improved the efficiency of printing and transformed traditional transcription into modern printing.


Scripts and paintings spread widely in the world with the help of yìn shuā.

文字、图画借助印刷术更加快速广泛地传播到世界各地。… Read the rest

​ 中英版Hello, China! 《你好,中国》11 Paper Chinese inventions (纸 中国发明)

Paper,zhi,was a Chinese invention.


2,000 years ago,Chinese invented paper-making.

2000 多年前,中国人发明了造纸术。

This zhi was made of silk and was so expensive that only the emperor and aristocrats could afford to use it.


1,900 years ago,a eunuch called Cai Lun improved the paper-making process.

1900 多年前,一个叫蔡伦的人改进了造纸术。

He made cheap jinzhi out of tree bark and rags.


The improvement in paper-making spread zhi far and wide,and many different types of zhi were invented by Chinese people.


Xuan paper,a kind of high quality rice paper,best shows the charm of traditional Chinese painting and calligraphy.


Jute paper is used to transcribe Chinese classics.


Later,Chinese zhi spread to the West via the Chinese Silk Road.


Thousands of years of culture and civilization were recorded on zhi,and passed to different parts of the world.

千百年来,文明被记录在纸上,传递到世界各地。… Read the rest

​ 中英版Hello, China! 《你好,中国》10 Gunpowder An explosive Chinese invention(火药 一种爆炸性的中国发明)

Gunpowder (huo yao) is another ancient Chinese invention.


It was invented by accident.


More than 1,000 years ago,people experimenting in a pharmacy made the discovery.


They found that if sulphur,charcoal and potassium nitrate were mixed together with a certain proportion,the mixture would explode.


Gunpowder changed the style of wars. The steel age ended and gunpowder-based weapons are now widely used.


More than 600 years ago,primitive guns were used in China.

600 多年前,中国便有了原始火炮。

Cannon balls were propelled by the thrust of the huo yao explosion.


Now,huo yao is also widely used in fireworks.


The splendid fireworks at the Beijing Olympic Games garnered wide acclaim and admiration from the audience.

2008 年北京奥运会上,无数绽放在空中的美丽烟火,令人惊叹不已,带给人全新的美感。… Read the rest

​ 中英版Hello, China! 《你好,中国》09 The Chinese compass and explorer Zheng He(中国指南针和探险家郑和)

A compass,zhǐ nán zhēn,indicates north and south.


It was invented by Chinese 2,000 years ago.

2000 多年前,中国人发明了它。

The ancient zhǐ nán zhēn looked like a spoon.


When the spoon was put on the plate,its handle could point to the south using magnetic fields.


Then Chinese used a little steel needle to replace the spoon. This made the zhǐ nán zhēn easier to carry.


Six hundred years ago,Zheng He,a famous eunuch of the Ming Dynasty,traveled to Southeast Asia and the Indian Ocean seven times. Zheng even reached the Red Sea with the help of the zhǐ nán zhēn.

600 多年前,郑和先后七下西洋,最远到达红海沿岸与非洲东海岸,便是依靠指南针的导航。

The invention boosted the development of navigation.

指南针的出现促进了世界航海时代的发展。… Read the rest

​ 中英版Hello, China! 《你好,中国》08 Chinese Lunar Calendar Introduction(中国农历介绍)

The lunar calendar (nong li) is the traditional Chinese calendar and is often used in agriculture.


According to nong li,the crescent appears on the first day of each month and full moon comes out at the middle of the month.


The cycle lasts for about 30 days.

这样循环一个月,大概要 30 天。

24 days mark 24 divisions of the solar year in nong li,according to the different positions of the Sun.


For example,the division ‘Lichun’ or ‘the beginning of Spring’,reminds people that Spring is coming.


‘Jingzhe’ or ‘the walking of insects’ means that the weather is getting warmer.


‘Lixia’ or ‘the beginning of Summer’ is the point that crops are blooming.


‘Dahan’ or ‘the great cold’ is the end of severe Winter.


All these create a circle.


Year after year people experience the mysteries of nature with nong li.

一年又一年,人们根据农历观察自然,体会大自然的神秘。… Read the rest

​ 中英版Hello, China! 《你好,中国》07 Moon and its significance in Chinese culture(月亮及其在中国文化中的重要性)

This character means moon with wax and wane.


Mythical meanings are attributed to yue liang in Chinese legends.


Legend has it,that Chang’e,the wife of Ancient Chinese hero Hou Yi,stole her husband’s elixir and ate it.


Then she became a fairy and flew to the yue liang.


She lived alone on the yue liang with only the company of a rabbit.


Worshipping yue liang is an ancient custom in China.


A round yue liang represents family reunion and often reminds people of their family.


An ancient Chinese poem says,raise my eyes to the yue liang,lower my head and think of home.


 … Read the rest