

Giving red packets is a traditional custom and a gift that every kid eagerly looks forward to during the Spring Festival in China.

除夕夜,家中的长辈会给予未成年的孩子一定数额的钱,并用红色纸袋包起来,称之为“压岁钱” ,据说压岁钱可以使孩子平平安安地度过新的一年。

On Chinese New Year’s Eve, a certain sum of cash wrapped in red paper bags, which is called “lucky money “, is presented to the immature kids by the elders in their family. It is believed that lucky money can bless the kids to have another safe and peaceful year.


The custom of giving the red packets has a long history and spreads up to now in China.


It is an amulet the elders give their kids, which represents the elders’ fine wishes for the kids and blesses them with health and good fortune in the New Year. 作者:读书有三到我先到 https://www.bilibili.com/read/cv21265415/?spm_id_from=333.999.0.0 出处:bilibili


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