As the temperature gradually drops in winter, some animals begin to hibernate, and most plants fall into a long period of dormancy.


The six solar terms in winter are Start of Winter, Minor Snow, Major Snow, Winter Solstice, Minor Cold and Major Cold.


Start of Winter marks the cold season’s beginning when people stockpile harvested crops.


Entering the period of Minor Snow, Southern Chinese people start to pickle meat. When the temperature drops and the weather gets dry, it’s a decent opportunity to make preserved meat.


During Major Snow, rivers in North China become frozen and people go skating.


The day of Winter Solstice is the day with the shortest period of daylight of the year.


On that day, people in the north eat dumplings while their southern counterparts consume rice dumplings instead.


Minor Cold and Major Cold are the last two of the 24 solar terms of the year.


The weather turns bitterly cold and foods that will warm your body become a must eat, for example, lamb.


Winter fishing and hunting culture also enrich Chinese people’s dining tables.


From mid-December to January the following year, winter fishing in Chagan Lake in Northeast China’s Jilin province adds warmth and vitality to people’s lives during snowy and icy days.


According to legend, the emperor of the Liao Kingdom (AD 916-1125) loved eating “iced fish”。Every year in the last month of the Chinese lunar calendar, he would lead his family to camp on the frozen Chagan Lake, breaking the ice and fishing.


This ancient method of winter fishing has been passed down today.


Every winter, an ice and snow fishing and hunting cultural tourism festival is held at Chagan Lake attracting flocks of tourists from other parts of China and abroad, which has also helped boost the local economy.


In 2008, Fishing in Chagan Lake was approved by the State Council China’s cabinet as a state-level intangible cultural heritage.


In addition to eating the right food for winter, the healthiest winter lifestyle is exercise.


In China’s Northeastern region where ice is frozen for thousands of miles, skiing and ice skating are common winter activities setting off a popular winter sports craze for all locals.


Beijing will host the 24th Winter Olympic Games in 2022 when China will welcome athletes from all over the world.


Under the snow, the winter season pulses with vitality.


People live on their wisdom and tenacity waiting for the arrival of spring.

人们依靠智慧与坚韧等待着春天的到来。 作者:读书有三到我先到 出处:bilibili


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