​ 中英版Hello, China! 《你好,中国》58 Dun Huang(敦煌)

Dun Huang is an oasis in Northwest China’s desert.


Since the 2nd century BC Dunhuang had been a crucial stopover for Western and oriental merchants who search for trade and business.

自公元前 2 世纪以来一直是东西方商贸往来的必经之地。

According to the old legend,in 366 AD the monk Le Zun passed Dundang which was suddenly overcome with golden lights,as if tens of thousands of Buddhas had shown their presence to the common people.

传说在公元 366 年,僧人乐路经敦煌,忽现金光闪耀,如现万佛。

The monk hired workers to dig grottoes, and build Buddha statues on the cliff to worship the Buddha.


This is what we called the Mogao Grottoes.


The Mogao Grottoes span 1,600 meters and include 492 grottoes with 2,100 painted Buddha figures and murals covering 45,000 square meters.


The work on the Mogao Grottoes lasted 1,500 years and reflected the development of Buddhism in China.

历时 1500 年修建而成,集中反映了佛教艺术在中国的发展。

Dunhuang is a marvelous place where natural wonders and ancient art enchants each other’s beauty.


Now Dunhuang is considered to be one of the most interesting places in China where overseas travelers must visit.



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