​ 中英版Hello, China! 《你好,中国》61 Beijing Roast Duck(北京烤鸭)

If you come to China,roast duck (kao ya) is a must-have.


Kao ya is famous,delicious dish in China with a history of 1,600 years.

烤鸭是中国的名菜,已有 1600 年的历史。

An authentic kao ya should be roasted delicately in an oven burning fruit wood. The temperature and timing should be strictly controlled.


To keep the skin crisp and the meat tender,kao ya should be taken out of the oven after 50-minutes.

烤鸭烤制 50 分钟后必须出炉,这样才能保证皮脆肉嫩。

A roast duck must be cut into more than 100 slices within several minutes after it has been brought out of the oven.

烤鸭出炉后,必须在几分钟之内切成 100 多片。

Each slice contains skin and meat.


Thin pancakes,Chinese onions,cucumbers and special sauce are used to complement kao ya.


Now you have followed us so far,if you still haven’t decided to try this famous Beijing specialty.


You will probably miss the most enjoyable culinary experience of your life.



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