​ 中英版Hello, China! 《你好,中国》67 Fish(鱼)

The Chinese character yu,which means fish with a plump body and round eyes.


Yu is related to special meanings and legends.


There was a yu in the Yellow River. Yu wanted to jump over the Dragon Gate,so that he could become a dragon.


However,only quite a few yu could accomplish that feat in the turbulent river.


People with great achievements in study or business are often compared to these yu who have turned into dragons.


Therefore,carps,a kind of yu,represent achieving prosperity through hard work.


Yu is a word with the double meaning in China.


A Spring Festival painting featuring a yu is a symbol of an affluent life.


Yu remind Chinese of prosperity and fortune.


Thus,people like to raise yu to pray for good luck.


Yu is a produce of nature and a mascot in Chinese daily life.

鱼是自然之物,也是中国人生活里的吉祥物。… Read the rest

​ 中英版Hello, China! 《你好,中国》66 Noodles(面条)

Noodles,mian tiao,are a kind of time-honored Chinese food.


Records say that nobles were fond of the food about 30 centimeters long,which is made of flour and boiled in water more than 1,900 years ago.

早在 1900 多年前,书上就记载了那时的贵族喜欢吃一种一尺多长的、用水煮熟的面食。

Mix flour with water and make the mixture into a paste,and then cut it into strips.


This is how mian tiao is made. Miao tiao can be boiled or fried.


Noodles in China also represent preeminence.


Therefore,people always have noodles on their birthday to wish for a long lifespan.


Noodles are one of the Chinese favorite food,just like the bread for Westerners.

面条在中国是一种人人喜爱的基本食品,就像西方人离不开面包一样。… Read the rest

​ 中英版Hello, China! 《你好,中国》65 Alcoholic Drinks(酒精饮料

Jiu plays an amazing role in the daily life of Chinese people.


Chinese started to brew jiu 6,000 years ago,according to archaeological findings.

据现有的考古发现,6000 多年前中国人就开始酿酒了。

People have worked hard to improve the process of making jiu for thousands of years.


Chinese mainly drink white spirits and rice wine.


White spirits are distilled from sorghum or maize.


The equipment used for drinking has changed a lot over the course of history. The jiu culture developed with the containers changing from wine goblets to handless cups.


As a magical beverage and custom,it has accompanied important occasions,such as weddings and birthdays for more than 6,000 years.

酒饮与生活习俗紧密相联,陪伴着中国人经历出生、结婚、生子等人生的重要场合已经有 6000 多年了。

 … Read the rest

​ 中英版Hello, China! 《你好,中国》64 Toufu(豆腐

Is there a kind of food that is cheap,delicious and nutritious? Yes! It is Chinese dou fu.


Some 2,100 years ago,a noble who longed for immortality developed all kinds of prescriptions every day.

2100 多年前,一位贵族渴望长生不老,他每天研制各种药房。

One day,he accidentally dropped plaster into soybean milk. The soybean milk curdled into something like pudding.


He boldly tested it and found it very delicious.


The new dish is what we called dou fu food today.


Dou fu is made of soybeans,which are rich in protein.


Dou fu can be cooked with fish,vegetables and other ingredients. We can also eat it rare.


The easiest way is to put a little bit of chives,oil and salt with dou fu.


Dou fu tastes light,yummy and really melts into your mouth.


In China,dou fu is quite popular. You can find it on any dining table.

在中国,每家的餐桌上可都少不了豆腐。… Read the rest

​ 中英版Hello, China! 《你好,中国》63 Hotpot(火锅)

If you want to look for a nutritious meal to share with your family,you should choose hotpot,huo guo.


Huo guo has a history of more than 1,700 years in China.

火锅在中国有 1700 多年的历史了。

To keep out the cold,people pull lamb chops in the boiling pot and ate them.


Huo guo ingredients should be selected carefully.


Only five parts of a lamb should be used and cut into sheets for cooking.


The sauce is composed of more than ten seasonings.


The ingredients of the sauce are the commercial secret of hot pot.


Huo guo is popular all over China. There are various styles of huo guo.


Vegetables and meat can be boiled in huo guo.


Sharing hot pot meals of meat and vegetables boiled in savory both with your family is a great experience in the depth of winter.


Is huo guo the best choice? Do you want to try it?

火锅难道不是最好的选择吗?你想试试吗?… Read the rest

​ 中英版Hello, China! 《你好,中国》62 Tanghulu(糖葫芦)

Theses are crystalline sugar-coated haws,tanghulu,which is a favorite winter snack for children in northern China.


Legends say that 800 years ago an emperor’s concubine was sick an had a poor appetite.

相传 800 多年前,有个皇帝的妃子病了,胃口不好。

A doctor ordered that she eat 10 haws boiled with crystal sugar before dinner.

一位医生献上药方:用冰糖和山楂煎熬,每天饭前吃上 10 颗。

The concubine recovered within half-a-month.


Later,the prescription was passed on to ordinary people.


People put haws on a stick and dipped them in hot sugar syrup.


The syrup turned into a solid coating,like crystals on the haws’ surface.


It is a delicious and wholesome traditional snack commonly seen in stores and on streets.


The haws are tart and the crystal sugar is sweet. The special taste often reminds us of our happy childhood.

山楂酸,冰糖甜,那又酸又甜的味道,让很多人想起自己美好的童年。… Read the rest

​ 中英版Hello, China! 《你好,中国》61 Beijing Roast Duck(北京烤鸭)

If you come to China,roast duck (kao ya) is a must-have.


Kao ya is famous,delicious dish in China with a history of 1,600 years.

烤鸭是中国的名菜,已有 1600 年的历史。

An authentic kao ya should be roasted delicately in an oven burning fruit wood. The temperature and timing should be strictly controlled.


To keep the skin crisp and the meat tender,kao ya should be taken out of the oven after 50-minutes.

烤鸭烤制 50 分钟后必须出炉,这样才能保证皮脆肉嫩。

A roast duck must be cut into more than 100 slices within several minutes after it has been brought out of the oven.

烤鸭出炉后,必须在几分钟之内切成 100 多片。

Each slice contains skin and meat.


Thin pancakes,Chinese onions,cucumbers and special sauce are used to complement kao ya.


Now you have followed us so far,if you still haven’t decided to try this famous Beijing specialty.


You will probably miss the most enjoyable culinary experience of your life.

那么你也许会就此错过一生中最精妙绝伦的美食体验。… Read the rest

​ 中英版Hello, China! 《你好,中国》60 Dumplings(饺子)

Chinese people like eating dumplings,jiao zi,for their delicious taste and auspicious meanings.


Jiao zi are made of meat and vegetable filling,and enclosed in a pastry shaped like a half moon.


They are boiled in water and eaten with sauces like vinegar.


There are hundreds of fillings with different flavors.


The shape of jiao zi looks like the ancient currency of China called yuan bao.


People eat dumplings on the Chinese New Year wishing they will earn more money in coming year.


There are many steps to make jiao zi.


People even like to put a coin into one jiao zi and anyone who gets this coin will be lucky in the coming year.


Making jiao zi together with the whole family creates a unique,harmonious atmosphere.


Chinese believe that a hot bowl of jiao zi is full of the family’s love and affection.

在中国人心中,那一碗热腾腾的饺子就是家的味道。… Read the rest