
When clear and refreshing autumn arrives and chrysanthemums scent the world, it’s time for the Chinese Chongyang Festival or Double Ninth Festival.


The Double Ninth Festival falls on the ninth day of the ninth month on the Chinese lunar calendar.


In Chinese folklore, the number nine is the largest number, it’s a homonym to the Chinese word jiu, which contains the auspicious meaning of “a long and healthy life”.


In 1989, the Chinese government designated the Double Ninth Festival as the “Festival for the Elderly” to express wishes for health and longevity of the senior citizens.


The Law on the Protection of the Rights and Interests of the Elderly, which has been in effect since 2013, clearly stipulates that every year’s Double Ninth Festival is a legal festival for senior citizens.


In ancient times, it was customary to climb mountains to pray for good luck and longevity on the Double Ninth Festival.


Tengwang Pavilion is one of the three most famous pavilions in Jiangnan.


Every year at the Double Ninth Festival, people will climb up to the Tengwang Pavilion to enjoy the beautiful autumn scenery of the sea melting into the sky.


Nowadays, the custom of climbing mountains for blessings on the Double Ninth Festival has gradually merged with some other outdoor exercises.


Some activities have become especially popular among middle aged and older people, such as tai chi,qigong and square dancing.


The square dance has actually become a unique phenomenon in China. Whether it’s in a big or small city when night falls, you will see people dancing on public squares.


In ancient times people also would admire the beauty of chrysanthemums, drink wine and eat Chongyang cakes on the day.


The ninth lunar month is the time when chrysanthemums are in full bloom and chrysanthemums symbolize longevity.


So every year at the festival, people pick fresh chrysanthemums to make chrysanthemum wine.


The ancients regarded it as an auspicious wine for clearing away heat detoxifying and prolonging life.


Chongyang cake is a festive cake for the Double Ninth Festival that is usually made of flour, brown sugar, fruits and nuts among other ingredients. It contains the auspicious meaning “making steady progress”.


Although people today don’t observe all the traditional customs for the Double Ninth Festival, it’s still the core of the festival to respect the elders.


Thanks to social care from their surroundings and love from their families, a growing number of seniors have begun to pay more attention to their later years.


In recent years, travel has become a very popular way for senior Chinese people to spend their leisure time.


“The Sunset Glow Tour Group” referring to Chinese elders has gradually become a trendy word.


Time has not stopped them from exploring the world and the elders who love life deserve the attention and respect of society.

岁月未能阻止他们探索世界的脚步,热爱生活的老人们值得整个社会的关注与敬爱。 作者:读书有三到我先到 https://www.bilibili.com/read/cv21077346/?spm_id_from=333.999.0.0 出处:bilibili


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