
The seventh day of the seventh lunar month is Qixi, widely regarded as China’s Valentine’s Day.


Many different stories lay claim to being the origin of the festival but one version is the most popular and accepted.


The youngest daughter of the Jade Emperor ( the ruler of the world in legend), the Weaver Girl was a fairy who weaved rosy clouds in the sky.


She became tired of the boring immortal life and decided to descend to the mortal world. She met and fell in love with a cowherd.


The Jade Emperor strongly objected to the couple’s union and forcibly separated them by the Milky Way leaving them torn apart by the galaxy and only allowing them to meet once a year.


Despite that, the distance could not stop their love for one another.


They still love each other and look forward to meeting once a year on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month.


On the brighter side, the tragedy of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl could not happen in modern China.


With the development of high speed railways, lovebirds no longer have any difficulty reuniting even if they are many miles apart.


Beijing and Shanghai, the two largest cities in China are 1200 kilometers away from each other.


But a ride on the high-speed rail only takes four hours and there are more than 100 high-speed trains traveling between the two cities every day.


The convenience and efficiency of modern travel have shortened the “galactic distance” between couples.


On Qixi, more and more young people are going on dates and exchanging gifts to express their affection. This in turn gave rise to a unique Qixi economy.


Long queues are also often formed at the gate of the Civil Affairs Bureau where couples rush to register for marriage when love is in the air.


This is because Qixi carries with it a symbolic meaning, choose your own love and remain faithful for life.


More than 2000 years ago, Qixi also known as “the Begging Festival”.


In ancient China, women would visit their close friends and worship the Weaver Girl on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month praying they could become as clever as the Weaver Girl and find their faithful lover.


In traditional Chinese marriage, women who pray for dexterity often devote all their energies to family life.


However, times have changed as has the role of women.


A more diversified social role enables women in China to pursue their love courageously and no longer be bound to domestic life like the Weaver Girl.


High-speed rail has brought tremendous changes.


Many Chinese traditions have changed, but the tradition of festive reunions has stayed strong.


In another month, another festival of reunion, Mid-Autumn Festival is coming.

再过一个多月,团聚的节日——中秋就要到来了。 作者:读书有三到我先到 https://www.bilibili.com/read/cv21077324/?spm_id_from=333.999.0.0 出处:bilibili


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