​ 中英版Hello, China! 《你好,中国》48 Imperial Palace(故宫)

Legends say that there are 10,000 rooms in the palace of the emperor in heaven.


The emperor in the real world built a palace with 9,999-and-a-half rooms to show his respect to the Heavenly Emperor.

于是人间帝王为了表示自己的谦恭,他的宫殿便减去了半间变成 9999 间半。

600 years ago,100,000 laborers were engaged in building the palace with 100 million bricks and 200 million tiles.

600 年前,为了兴建这座世界最大的皇宫,使用了十万工匠、一亿块砖和两亿块瓦。

The palace featured vermilion walls and gold-glazed tiles.


The palace is open to the public and attracts crowds of tourists to experience royal life.




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