​ 中英版Hello, China! 《你好,中国》49 Temple of Heaven(天坛)

Emperors held annual ceremonies to pray to heaven for a good harvest at the Temple of Heaven,Tiantan.


It was built in Beijing in 1420. Emperors pray to heaven for good harvest.

公元 1420 年天坛在北京初建成,皇帝在这里祈求。

Ancient Chinese believed that Earth was Square and heaven was round.


The altars and palaces were built into circles to represent heaven. The southern wall was rectangular to represent Earth.


Chinese show their respect to heaven in Tiantan.


The Blue-glazed tiles of the imperial vault of heaven represent heaven.


The circular mound altar is surrounded by a ring of nine plates,which are also surrounded by multiples of nine plates. It represents the supremacy of heaven.


Tiantan covers an area of 2.7 million square meters,with an orderly arrangement showing Chinese regality.

天坛总面积 270 多万平方米,格局严整,尽显中国古代皇家气派。


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