​ 中英版Hello, China! 《你好,中国》55 Three Gorges(三峡)

There are three raging rocky gorges on the Yangtze River named the Three Gorges,San Xia.


The 192 kilometer-long gorges are nestled in between mountains more than 1,000 meters high on both sides.

三峡全长 192 公里,两岸耸立着高出江面 1000 多米的高峰。

When you travel through San Xia,water rushes past with old trees and ancient buildings completing the beautiful scenery.


It is a breathtaking but pleasant experience.


The main part of the key water projects at San Xia on the Yangtze River was finished in 2006. The dam is now able to control floods and generate electric power.

2006 年长江三峡水利枢纽工程主体全面竣工,它集防洪和发电为一体。

The Three Gorges hosts the largest hydroelectric station in the world.


The Yangtze River is often compared to a jade pillow and San Xia is a brilliant pearl on the bell.




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