​ 中英版Hello, China! 《你好,中国》56 Dujiangyan Irrigation Dam(都江堰 灌溉大坝)

Around 2200 years ago a governor of Sichuan found that the floods happened frequently in the rainy season,and water storage was short during the dry season.

2200 多年前,一位四川的地方官发现:当地在雨季洪水肆虐,旱季却无水可用。

Therefore based on the geographic features of the MinJiang River,and without doing any damage to the natural environment,he built a special structure dam.


The dam is known as Dujiangyan. Dujiangyan functions to direct water and divert floods and sand.


Thanks to the dam the region would no longer be plagued by flooding during the rainy season,and water supply will be sufficient in the dry season.


Dujiangyan has functioned for more than 2200 years even the earthquake with a magnitude of 8 on the Richter scale in 2008 which happened near the dam,didn’t destroy it.

都江堰 2200 多年来仍旧正常使用,即便是 2008 年那场 8.0级的大地震也没能摧毁它。

Dujiangyan reflects the idea that the land water and people can live in harmony.



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