​ 中英版Hello, China! 《你好,中国》54 Chinese gardens(中国园林)

Gardens are regarded as the treasure of Chinese ancient architecture.


The Summer Palace,a grand imperial garden,is a typical Chinese yuan lin.


The chengde summer resort,which showcases natural scenery,was a place for emperors to avoid the summer heat and conduct his

court affairs.


Ancient yuan lin or Gardens of Suzhou are elegant and classical.


Dotted with artificial hills,bridges and terraces,natural landscapes were concentrated in yuan lin.


Chinese yuan lin are extravagantly detailed.

中国园林注重细节,处处体现着匠心。… Read the rest

​ 中英版Hello, China! 《你好,中国》53 West Lake(西湖)

Located in Hangzhou,east China,the West Lake,Xi Hu,is praised as ‘heaven on earth’.


Legends say that a dragon and a phoenix were polishing a pearl which accidentally fell down to earth and became Xi Hu.


Some Chinese dramas tell love stories between a fairy and an ordinary man that took place on the banks of Xi Hu.


The gods objected to their love and imprisoned the fairy in a pagoda.


The pagoda,named Leifeng Tower,is a popular attraction at Xi Hu.


The picturesque Xi Hu is surrounded by elegant landscapes,such as Three Ponds Mirroring the Moon,Curved Yard and Lotus Pool In Summer,and Dawn on th Su Causeway in Spring.


As a famous resort,Xi Hu is a perfect combination of artificiality and nature.


It looks like a Chinese traditional painting.


Xi Hu is often compared to Xizi,the most beautiful woman described in Chinese ancient poems.


It is said that,plain or gaily decked out like Xizi,Xi Hu is always alluring.

诗中写道:“欲把西湖比西子,淡妆浓抹总相宜。”… Read the rest

​ 中英版Hello, China! 《你好,中国》52 Yellow River(黄河)

he Yellow River,Huang He,is 5,464 kilometers long,ranking fifth in the world.

黄河是一条长 5464 公里的大河,也是世界上第五长河。

Originating in the Qinghai Tibetan Plateau,it flows east through nine provinces and empties into the Bohai Sea.


Sometimes Huang He is poetically called the ‘Muddy Flow’.


The rich silt carried by Huang He formed fertile farmland that is the birthplace of Chinese culture.


The earliest characters,villages,cities and bronzes originated here.


Huang He is regarded as the ‘Mother of China’.


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​ 中英版Hello, China! 《你好,中国》51 Terracotta Warriors(兵马俑)

There is a saying that you have not been to China if you have not visited the terracotta warriors (bing ma yong).


Located to che west of Xi’an,bing ma yong is a collection of the tomb treasures of Qin Shinhuang,the First Emperor of China.


They were built by hundreds of thousands of men more than 2,000 years ago.

2000 多年前,由十几万人用几十年修建而成。

Bing ma yong were a copy of Qin Shihuang’s powerful army which conquered and unified the Six States.


Each warrior was as big and vivid as a real soldier.


The facial features,expressions. And hairlines of the clay warriors were exact duplicates of real ones.


Life-sized war chariots and horses were also made.


This army of clay statues is as effective and strong as any real-life military force.


When you visit bing ma yong it will remind you of the glorious times of the Qin Dynasty.

如今,你来到兵马俑,就能体会到当年秦军的士气以及那个辉煌的年代。… Read the rest

​ 中英版Hello, China! 《你好,中国》50 Xi’an Ancient Chinese capital(西安 中国古都)

Located in West China,Xi’an is one of the most notable ancient Chinese cities.


More than 3,100 years have passed since it was built.

西安这座城至今已经建立 3100 多年。

Xi’an is the starting point of the Silk Road. It used to be a commercial hub connecting the west and the Orient during its prosperous period.


Xi’an has the largest bell tower,which was built in the Ming Dynasty.


The largest collection of ancient stone tablets and the Terracotta Warriors with a history of 2,000 years.

收藏碑石最多的碑林,2000 多年前的秦始皇兵马俑在这里屹立。

Now it is a rapidly developing modern city.


Xi’an is an undying city in Chinese culture.


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​ 中英版Hello, China! 《你好,中国》49 Temple of Heaven(天坛)

Emperors held annual ceremonies to pray to heaven for a good harvest at the Temple of Heaven,Tiantan.


It was built in Beijing in 1420. Emperors pray to heaven for good harvest.

公元 1420 年天坛在北京初建成,皇帝在这里祈求。

Ancient Chinese believed that Earth was Square and heaven was round.


The altars and palaces were built into circles to represent heaven. The southern wall was rectangular to represent Earth.


Chinese show their respect to heaven in Tiantan.


The Blue-glazed tiles of the imperial vault of heaven represent heaven.


The circular mound altar is surrounded by a ring of nine plates,which are also surrounded by multiples of nine plates. It represents the supremacy of heaven.


Tiantan covers an area of 2.7 million square meters,with an orderly arrangement showing Chinese regality.

天坛总面积 270 多万平方米,格局严整,尽显中国古代皇家气派。… Read the rest

​ 中英版Hello, China! 《你好,中国》48 Imperial Palace(故宫)

Legends say that there are 10,000 rooms in the palace of the emperor in heaven.


The emperor in the real world built a palace with 9,999-and-a-half rooms to show his respect to the Heavenly Emperor.

于是人间帝王为了表示自己的谦恭,他的宫殿便减去了半间变成 9999 间半。

600 years ago,100,000 laborers were engaged in building the palace with 100 million bricks and 200 million tiles.

600 年前,为了兴建这座世界最大的皇宫,使用了十万工匠、一亿块砖和两亿块瓦。

The palace featured vermilion walls and gold-glazed tiles.


The palace is open to the public and attracts crowds of tourists to experience royal life.


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​ 中英版Hello, China! 《你好,中国》47 Great Wall of China(中国长城)

There is a long,stretching wall in China called the Great Wall,chang cheng.


With a length of more than 5,000 kilometers,chang cheng was built continuously over more than 2,000 years by Chinese people.


The watchtowers would be lit up by torches if a watchman spotted an enemy invasion. Messages could be passed to the military center from on Watchtower to another.


Chang cheng was expected to protect national peace.


Constructing chang cheng would guard our own territory and we won’t infringe on other people’s territory.


It is not only a brick wall,but also one of the world’s greatest historical architectural works.

长城它不仅仅是一道城墙,也是世界建筑的奇迹。… Read the rest