​ 中英版Hello, China! 《你好,中国》17 Chinese Music (中国音乐)

Chinese music originated from nature.


The sounds of the wind blowing through the trees,birds chirping and water flowing are the inspiration of Chinese yin yue.


Xun,an ancient egg-shaped instrument made of pottery,can imitate the sound of the wind by blowing through the holes.


The bone flute,which was made 8,000 years ago,could also imitate the sounds of nature.

8000 年前的骨笛,也在模仿自然界的声音。

There were 125 instruments in the private orchestra of a noble more than 2,000 years ago,according to archaeological findings. 考古发现在 2000 多年前一个贵族家里的乐队有 125 件乐器,规模巨大。

Various categories make up Chinese yin yue,some involving more modern elements.


However,the natural beauty of Chinese yin yue has endured from classic styles to the modern form classic styles to the modern compositions.



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