​ 中英版Hello, China! 《你好,中国》59 Shaolin Monastery(少林寺

The Shaolin Temple,shao lin si,is the cradle of the Shaolin martial arts.


Legends say that 13 monks who were martial arts experts rescued a besieged emperor,then the Shaolin martial arts became famous all over China.


The monks created maneuvers from daily labour tasks joined with their environment.


There are seven yards in shao lin si with a total area of 30,000 square meters.


The thousand Buddha Hall is the largest hall in shao lin si.


The Pagoda Forest houses the tombs of eminent monks and is the largest building group of ancient pagodas in the world.


Kung fu learners all over the world know shao lin si with a history of 1,500 years.

现在全世界学功夫的人都知道这座有着1500 多年历史的少林寺。

The Shaolin martial arts has been gaining in popularity.

少林寺正吸引着越来越多的人走近它。… Read the rest

​ 中英版Hello, China! 《你好,中国》58 Dun Huang(敦煌)

Dun Huang is an oasis in Northwest China’s desert.


Since the 2nd century BC Dunhuang had been a crucial stopover for Western and oriental merchants who search for trade and business.

自公元前 2 世纪以来一直是东西方商贸往来的必经之地。

According to the old legend,in 366 AD the monk Le Zun passed Dundang which was suddenly overcome with golden lights,as if tens of thousands of Buddhas had shown their presence to the common people.

传说在公元 366 年,僧人乐路经敦煌,忽现金光闪耀,如现万佛。

The monk hired workers to dig grottoes, and build Buddha statues on the cliff to worship the Buddha.


This is what we called the Mogao Grottoes.


The Mogao Grottoes span 1,600 meters and include 492 grottoes with 2,100 painted Buddha figures and murals covering 45,000 square meters.


The work on the Mogao Grottoes lasted 1,500 years and reflected the development of Buddhism in China.

历时 1500 年修建而成,集中反映了佛教艺术在中国的发展。

Dunhuang is a marvelous place where natural wonders and ancient art enchants each other’s beauty.


Now Dunhuang is considered to be one of the most interesting places in China where overseas travelers must visit.

如今,敦煌被评为中国最值得外国人去的地方之一… Read the rest

​ 中英版Hello, China! 《你好,中国》57 Mount Tai(泰山)

Chinese legends habit that there is a god named Pangu who created heaven and earth.


Legends say his head turned into the Taishan Mountain.


Therefore Taishan is recorded as the head of China’s five mountains.


Located in his China’s shandong province. Taishan has witnessed the Chinese history for thousands of years.


Chinese ancestors believe that Taishan was a holy mountain which connected with heaven,because of this,emperors built altars on Taishan to pray for the nation’s prosperity and people’s happiness.


You will experience its steepness when you climb up Taishan.


Steps go up the mountain from the foot,the midway goes up to the summit of the mountain,thousands of steps go up the side of the steep mountain.


Interesting peaks and trees stand on both sides of the trail. You can enjoy the beautiful sunrise and sea of clouds at the peak of Taishan.


In 1987,it was the first Chinese site to be put on the list of world natural and cultural heritage sites by UNESCO.

1987 年,泰山被联合国教科文组织列入世界首例自然与文化双遗产。… Read the rest

​ 中英版Hello, China! 《你好,中国》56 Dujiangyan Irrigation Dam(都江堰 灌溉大坝)

Around 2200 years ago a governor of Sichuan found that the floods happened frequently in the rainy season,and water storage was short during the dry season.

2200 多年前,一位四川的地方官发现:当地在雨季洪水肆虐,旱季却无水可用。

Therefore based on the geographic features of the MinJiang River,and without doing any damage to the natural environment,he built a special structure dam.


The dam is known as Dujiangyan. Dujiangyan functions to direct water and divert floods and sand.


Thanks to the dam the region would no longer be plagued by flooding during the rainy season,and water supply will be sufficient in the dry season.


Dujiangyan has functioned for more than 2200 years even the earthquake with a magnitude of 8 on the Richter scale in 2008 which happened near the dam,didn’t destroy it.

都江堰 2200 多年来仍旧正常使用,即便是 2008 年那场 8.0级的大地震也没能摧毁它。

Dujiangyan reflects the idea that the land water and people can live in harmony.

都江堰体现了土地、水与人在这里和谐共生的观念。… Read the rest

​ 中英版Hello, China! 《你好,中国》55 Three Gorges(三峡)

There are three raging rocky gorges on the Yangtze River named the Three Gorges,San Xia.


The 192 kilometer-long gorges are nestled in between mountains more than 1,000 meters high on both sides.

三峡全长 192 公里,两岸耸立着高出江面 1000 多米的高峰。

When you travel through San Xia,water rushes past with old trees and ancient buildings completing the beautiful scenery.


It is a breathtaking but pleasant experience.


The main part of the key water projects at San Xia on the Yangtze River was finished in 2006. The dam is now able to control floods and generate electric power.

2006 年长江三峡水利枢纽工程主体全面竣工,它集防洪和发电为一体。

The Three Gorges hosts the largest hydroelectric station in the world.


The Yangtze River is often compared to a jade pillow and San Xia is a brilliant pearl on the bell.


 … Read the rest

​ 中英版Hello, China! 《你好,中国》54 Chinese gardens(中国园林)

Gardens are regarded as the treasure of Chinese ancient architecture.


The Summer Palace,a grand imperial garden,is a typical Chinese yuan lin.


The chengde summer resort,which showcases natural scenery,was a place for emperors to avoid the summer heat and conduct his

court affairs.


Ancient yuan lin or Gardens of Suzhou are elegant and classical.


Dotted with artificial hills,bridges and terraces,natural landscapes were concentrated in yuan lin.


Chinese yuan lin are extravagantly detailed.

中国园林注重细节,处处体现着匠心。… Read the rest

​ 中英版Hello, China! 《你好,中国》53 West Lake(西湖)

Located in Hangzhou,east China,the West Lake,Xi Hu,is praised as ‘heaven on earth’.


Legends say that a dragon and a phoenix were polishing a pearl which accidentally fell down to earth and became Xi Hu.


Some Chinese dramas tell love stories between a fairy and an ordinary man that took place on the banks of Xi Hu.


The gods objected to their love and imprisoned the fairy in a pagoda.


The pagoda,named Leifeng Tower,is a popular attraction at Xi Hu.


The picturesque Xi Hu is surrounded by elegant landscapes,such as Three Ponds Mirroring the Moon,Curved Yard and Lotus Pool In Summer,and Dawn on th Su Causeway in Spring.


As a famous resort,Xi Hu is a perfect combination of artificiality and nature.


It looks like a Chinese traditional painting.


Xi Hu is often compared to Xizi,the most beautiful woman described in Chinese ancient poems.


It is said that,plain or gaily decked out like Xizi,Xi Hu is always alluring.

诗中写道:“欲把西湖比西子,淡妆浓抹总相宜。”… Read the rest

​ 中英版Hello, China! 《你好,中国》52 Yellow River(黄河)

he Yellow River,Huang He,is 5,464 kilometers long,ranking fifth in the world.

黄河是一条长 5464 公里的大河,也是世界上第五长河。

Originating in the Qinghai Tibetan Plateau,it flows east through nine provinces and empties into the Bohai Sea.


Sometimes Huang He is poetically called the ‘Muddy Flow’.


The rich silt carried by Huang He formed fertile farmland that is the birthplace of Chinese culture.


The earliest characters,villages,cities and bronzes originated here.


Huang He is regarded as the ‘Mother of China’.


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